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JET-Cleaner Filter Cartridge Cleaner  反吹清理滤筒

The JET-Cleaner is a machine that

fast and efficiently cleans cartridge filters.

It is made for cleaning Mobi-Flex and

Wall-Flex filter cartridges (P-160).

When the airflow has gone down

too much you take out the filter cartridge

and put it into the JET-Cleaner.

It takes 3x10 seconds to clean the filter.

Then put it back into the Mobi-Flex or

Wall-Flex unit and the normal airflow is back.自动清灰器可以快*、高效清理滤筒。它用来清理经济节*能型移动式烟尘净化器和壁挂式烟尘净化器里的滤筒(P-160)。当风量明显减少时,把滤筒放入自动清灰器内。*需要连续三次清理(一ci清理10秒钟),然后把滤筒放回移动式或者壁挂式净化器内,即可恢复原来风量。


JET-Pulse cleaning  脉冲反吹清理系统

The JET-Pulse cleaning system is a

combination of normal backpulse and

shaking. It is a very efficient and fast way

 of cleaning dirty cartridges.脉冲反吹清理系统是一种传统普通反吹和振打反吹的结合技术,高效*速地清理滤筒上的积尘。


100 times longer life  *过100次清理次数

The JET-Cleaner will give your normal filter

cartridges up to 100 times longer life.

It is a substantial saving! 自动清灰器使滤筒寿命得到延长(超*100次的清理次数),经济实用!


30 Years experience! 我们*有超*30年的设计和制造经验!

30 years experience of design and manufacturing at your service!

The ALFI products are a combination of well-proven technique and progressive new ideas.


ALFI is always a step ahead - but not expensive!



Art. No.

自动清灰器   与经济*能型移动式烟尘净化器和壁挂式烟尘净化器里的滤筒(P-160)配套




电话: 021-64140658

传真: 021-64140657

张经理: 13817728723

王经理: 13818903941

邮箱: lele@taole.com.cn

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